for dental students

Anterior Dental Implant Checklist


1. The Patient

How old is the patient?
Is the patient reliable, compliant, and realistic in his or her expectations?
Does the patient have dental anxiety that will affect treatment?

2. Medical History and Medications

Does the patient smoke cigarettes?
Does anything interfere with healing or osseointegration?
Does anything increase risk of a medical emergency during surgery?

3. Tooth Loss

Is the tooth missing? If yes, how long has the tooth been missing?
Is the reason for tooth loss Caries, Periodontal Disease, or Trauma?

4. Occlusion

What is the existing Overjet and Overbite?
What do we want to achieve? Is this possible?
Does this occlusal scheme contraindicate immediate loading or temporization: Edge-to-Edge, Deep Bite, >1 Tooth to be Replaced?

5. Smile Line

Is it Low, Medium, or High?

6. Space Analysis

What is the Width and Height of the edentulous space?
What are the dimensions of the other anterior teeth?
What is the ideal size of the crown of the tooth to be replaced?
Is there too little or too much space?

7. Existing Denture

Is the patient satisfied with the aesthetics?

8. Edentulous Ridge

Is three-dimensional imaging needed to make an assessment?
Is there sufficient bone thickness for osseointegration of the implant?
Is there sufficient distance from adjacent teeth? From anatomical structures?
Is there sufficient bone and soft tissue for aesthetics?
is there sufficient keratinized tissue for implant health?

9. Surgical Guide

Is a surgical guide needed for implant placement?
Will it be model-based or CBCT-based?
How will be future crown be simulated: Wax-Up, Existing Denture, Existing Tooth?

10. Temporization

Does the patient require temporization prior to implant restoration?
Does the patient require fixed temporization?

11. Surgical Plan

Is hard or soft tissue grafting needed? Done before or at time of implant placement?
Immediate, immediate-delayed, or delayed implant placement?
Size and height or implant fixture?
One-stage or two-stage implant surgery?
Immediate temporization?

12. Restorative Plan

Screw or cement retained?
Stock or custom abutment?
Temporization prior to final restoration?
Material for abutment and crown?

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